The Importance of Data Accuracy for Directories and Outbound Reports

Industry Insight Webinar

Directory data accuracy has been a long-standing issue that challenges both providers, medical groups, enrollment and health plans. When a 2014 JAMA study on physician directories cast a spotlight on the directory problem nationally, a call for increased regulatory scrutiny and action was raised. Federal regulators pushed states to establish specific requirements around provider directories and today, monitoring occurs regularly – followed by penalties and sanctions for those that don’t comply. Health plans and providers are using various methods to improve directory data, and the CAQH is collaborating with these organizations to achieve accuracy gains. Attend this webinar to learn all you need to know about:

  • Top challenges related to data accuracy
  • The most up to date federal and state regulations pertaining to data accuracy
  • Methods to solve challenges in provider data gathering and validation
  • DirectAssure®, a CAQH solution that enables providers to update and confirm pertinent directory information in one place
    • Sorin Davis
    • Director of Marketing and Business Development
    • CAQH
    • LinkedIn
    • Cheryl Cisneros, BSN, RN, CPCS, CPMSM
    • Consultant Advisor
    • VerityStream
    • LinkedIn

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